The question is will these highly educated nurses be able to use the title of doctor in a professional setting. If some physician opponents have their way that distinction will remain with them.
Should Doctoral Prepared Nurse Practitioners Call Themselves Doctors
Diagnose and treat acute conditions.

Are nurse practitioners called doctors. Like a doctor a nurse practitioner can. This would clarify for patients who someone is in healthcare. In addition to the degree needed to become a registered nurse NPs also get masters or doctoral degrees.
Why yes they are you can read more about that here. Six to eight years of collegiate and graduate education generally earn pharmacists physical therapists and nurses the right to call themselves doctors compared with nearly twice that many. Practitioners employers credentialers and the public may soon notice that the title Doctor applies to many health practitioners who are not physicians.
Are nurse practitioners real doctors. While NPs are not physicians by definition they undergo rigorous training and credentialing while focusing on the well-being of the whole person. Use of slang like mid-level and extender contribute to a public misunderstanding of our role.
NP vs Physician MD or DO. NPs can also ease the high cost of health care for patients and help address the looming primary care shortage. Beyond academia but specifically in the Anglo-Saxon world Italy and France Doctor as a noun normally refers to a medical practitioner who would usually hold a qualification at level 7 of ISCED 2011level 5 of ISCED 1997 such as the British MBBS or the American MD.
Heres where they differ. Doctors go to medical school for four years and then have specialty training after that. Nurse practitioners and doctors do not receive the same training.
The idea was the same. They imply a need for dependence on physicians and they obfuscate the uniqueness of our profession. The medical doctors felt that only they should be called doctor but the reality of folks being honored to be called doctor for many years of study and development of knowledge expertise and I would add development of philosophy in a specific are supersedes the physicians desire to be the only doctors by a few thousand years.
Physicians do not own the title doctor This group reassured physicians that nurse practitioners have no intention of misrepresenting themselves as MDs or as a DO DDS DMD DPM OD PsyD PharmD DPT OTD or AuD for that matter. That is not to say nurse practitioners. Physician assistants education is modeled on medical school curriculum while nurse practitioners education is in nursing.
A group of nurse practitioner organizations responded with a unified stance. In this episode I join in on the never-ending debate about whether nurse practitioners with a terminal degree should be referred to as doctorsLink to pre-o. Nurses introducing themselves as doctor may not be too common today but by 2015 doctorates may be required of all nurse practitioners.
A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse with advanced training and education. Nurse practitioners and doctors may deliver similar types of healthcare to a variety of patients and studies have shown that nurse practitioners quality of care is equivalent to that of physicians. However the two professions are not identical.
Nurse Practitioners are not Medical Doctors There is a national bill in the House of Representative called Truth in Healthcare Marketing Act of 2013 HR 1427.